Page 3 - Eagle Scientific Ltd - Catalogue
P. 3


           Established in 1979, Eagle Scien fic is a leading manufacturer and supplier of medical, scien fic, educa onal and voca onal training equipment
           to the industrial, commercial, health and educa on sectors. We are Interna onal Project Contractors offering Consultancy, Voca onal Training,
           Equipment Supply and Technical Support to the public and private sectors. Registered in the UK, we are eligible to par cipate in interna onal
           aid‐funded projects.

           Our people are Project Management Specialists in a single source of supply providing:
           •     Consultancy, procurement and project delivery
           •     Medical, scien fic and laboratory supplies
           •     Teaching and voca onal training equipment
           •     Installa on, commissioning and training services
           •     Full a er sales service, o en provided in‐country

           With over 30 years’ experience of working worldwide, Eagle Scien fic con nues to expand the business with both new and long standing clients
           across the globe.

           As the technical complexity and need for turnkey solu ons has increased, the company has understood the need for a global provider to meet
           these requirements. Eagle Scien fic meets this challenge and provides the management skills and capability to meet the specific tasks of
           consultancy, procurement and project delivery.

           As a turnkey supplier, our strengths lie not with the supply of individual items but rather in our ability to provide complete equipment lists or
           packages which remain compe  ve and allow the client to use a single source of supply.

           In response to the increasing level of interna onal tender and project business, the company has developed management skills and capability to
           match project requirements. It has invested in a mul ‐faceted skills base which has produced computer based systems for managing the specific
           tasks of consultancy, procurement and project delivery. Addi onally, we have developed in‐house a complete electronic bidding and procurement
           system using PC Windows Database pla orm. This can be readily tailored to meet specific requirements and is easily maintained both on the
           ground and remotely using electronic communica ons. The systems used include:

           •     Crea on of equipment lists and specifica ons
           •     Genera on of both paper and electronic based tender documents
           •     Evalua on of bids using electronic means
           •     Genera on of award documenta on including equipment bar code labels
           •     Tracking of deliveries to mul ple sites
           •     Financial monitoring and control, authorisa on of invoices
           •     Monitoring of acceptance procedures
           •     Genera on of equipment histories (cost, source, manufacturer etc.)

           Eagle Scien fic operates from dedicated premises situated in the English Midlands at the centre of excellent links to road, rail, seaports and
           airports serving Britain and the world. Modern offices allow our dedicated teams to use the latest techniques to be er serve our growing list of
           sa sfied clients. Our wholly owned warehousing complex gives total control over quan ty, quality, packaging and logis cs.
           Eagle Scien fic maintains a high degree of technical skills within its personnel to ensure con nued support for all projects in which we become
           involved. Recogni on of the demand from our markets to provide immediate response and long term sustainability will help us to remain
           focused and to maintain our reputa on within our market. Addi onally, through its associa ons with consultants and academics, Eagle can call
           upon substan al physical and human resources as it undertakes major interna onal programmes.

           With proven capabili es across a spectrum of disciplines and with a culture and enterprise ini a ve, Eagle Scien fic approaches even the most
           complex of projects with the confidence and knowledge it will deliver prac cal and effec ve solu ons.

           Our team works hard to ensure the products and services we offer to our clients are relevant, responsive and efficient. We understand the
           interdependency between each stakeholder within the projects in which we work and the importance of crea ng cohesive links between them.
           We are commi ed to working towards the benefit of the en re project and not just the success of the areas for which we are contracted. The
           benefit of the lessons learned from previous projects allows us to con nually iden fy risks and improvements, seek efficiencies and develop
           innova on.

           By seeing the big picture we can ensure that our service is not only appropriate, but also enhances the project as a whole.
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