Page 154 - Eagle Scientific Ltd - Catalogue
P. 154
Suitable for routine horizontal gel electrophoresis for routinely checking medium
numbers of samples over short to medium gel run lengths. Its wider tray format
makes it a very economical choice for separation of up to 100 samples. The wider
gel size maximises run economy but does not compromise versatility as two tray
options are included, 10 x 7cm and 10 x 10cm, and combs ranging from preparative
up to 25 samples are available options. Simply by altering the gel tray or comb, this
compact unit is capable of resolving up to 100 different samples, prepping 1ml of
sample or separating sample bands over a distance of 9cm.
Buffer saver blocks physically reduce the volume of a gel chamber and buffer
requirements, therefore saving cost.
Corrosion resistant, 99.99% pure platinum electrodes and gold-plated terminals are
easily replaced.
Complete with 10 x 7cm and 10 x 10cm gel trays, 2 x 16 sample combs, tank
(including electrodes), lid, cable, viewing platform, 1 x loading guide and 1 pair
casting dams.
Technical Data
Unit dimensions: 12.5 x 22 x 9cm (w x l x h)
Gel dimensions: 10 x 7 & 10 x 10cm (w x l)
Buffer volume: 300ml
Maximum sample capacity: 100
(1-50 using 10 x 7cm gel tray, C37-6240
1-100 using 10 x 10cm gel tray)
Typical Running Conditions: 90V, 45-60 minutes
Bromophenol Blue Migration Rate: ~4-5cm/h at 80V
C37-6210 Midi Horizontal Gel unit complete
Requires power supply See C376500 to C376520.
C37-6240 Mini/Midi Flexicastor
C37-6252 UV Gel scoop, 10cm
Additional accessories, consumables and spares are available upon request.
Product Includes: Midi Horizontal gel unit (C376210), 10 x 7cm & 10 × 10 cm Tray,
UV Fluorescent Ruler, 10cm UV Gel Scoop (C376252), 100g Agarose, 1 x 500µl vial
1Kb PLUS DNA ladder size range 250bp-10Kp,1ml vial SAFE DNA stain, 1L 50x Tris-
Acetate EDTA running buffer and a 300V, 700mA, 150W Power Supply (C376520).
C37-6430 Midi Agarose Gel Kit, complete, with reagents